Chathubhanu Adikari
1 min readNov 15, 2023


In the quiet embrace of these pages, I’ve returned after a long absence, seeking solace within words. I have dived deeper and deeper into the pages. My pen, once fervent in inscribing the depths of our tale, now rests untouched, barren of your name. I wonder if that’s okay or if it’s not. Is it an unintentional neglect or a conscious step away from your memory? Have I unwittingly let pieces of you slip away? Like a castle of sand.

I hope you’ve found tranquility amidst all the chaos around us. And again, I find myself drawn to the melodies you adored, losing myself in the lines of your favorite songs — our favourite songs. In this vast world, amidst the melodies and the words, one constant remains — wherever you are, we are under the same sky. A reminder that our connection transcends distance, our hearts intertwined in the rhythm of life.

- Chathubhanu Adikari

